What Can You Tell Me About the Somso Ear Model?
An incredibly accurate representation of the outer, middle and inner ear; The Somso Ear Model separates into six different parts. The model is comprised of the Petros portion of the temporal bone, the auditory canal and the labyrinth, the tympanic membrane with the malleus and incus, among other removable parts. The middle and inner ear bone sections of the Our Somso Ear Model can also be removed. The Somso Ear Model is secured to a base; making it a great display item for a medical clinic or classroom. The endless applications of the Somso Ear Model make it a versatile tool that can be used frequently.
What Can You Tell Me About the Labyrinth Model?
The Labyrinth Model is an accurate anatomic model of the superior semicircular canal and vestibule that can be separated into 2 parts. The model also supplies a highly detailed representation of the saccule and utricle, as well as a complete network of nerves that feed this balance organ. The Labyrinth model is mounted on a green base; enabling doctors and teachers to display the model. Furthermore, the base also serves the purpose of protecting the model and making it easy to use or demonstrate with.
What Can You Tell Me About the Anatomical Models for Advanced Study of the Ear?
Our Anatomical Models for Advanced Study of the Ear are suitable for Medical students, teachers and doctors who desire a more indepth model of the human ear. Incredibly detailed, the model is very high-quality and provides an anatomically correct representation of the outer, middle and the inner ear. The Anatomical Models for Advanced Study of the Ear is secured to a base, making it a great display item for medical clinics and classrooms. The anatomical model arrives complete with a removable eardrum with hammer, anvil, stirrup, two-part labyrinth (Cochlea and the auditory/balance nerve) and two removable sections of bone (covering the middle and the inner ear).
What Can You Tell Me About the Anatomical Model-Ear?
A one-piece anatomical model, our Anatomical Model-Ear provides customers a user friendly, high quality product. This one-piece model anatomically represents the outer, middle and inner ear. The model includes a semi-circular canals and cochlea of the inner ear, auditory ossicles from the middle ear, tympanic membrane, temporal and tensor tympani muscles, ossicles, eustachian tube and the vestibulocochlear nerve. The Anatomical Model-Ear is secured to a base and arrives with a removable patient education card. This model is perfect for use by teachers and students in medical school.
What Other Anatomical Models of the Ear Are Available?
Above is simply a summary of our anatomical ear models of the ear range. However, there is a vast array of other anatomical ear models available at Southern Biological.