This Bone Clones model of a Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) skull is an excellent addition to your anthropology collection.
Native to the African rainforest, the male chimpanzee weighs up to 55kg and grows up to 1.7m tall.
A robust and lively ape, the chimpanzee is capable of insight and has the ability to create and use tools.
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, our genetic ties being far closer than those that chimps share with gorillas.
Recent genetic interpretations (February 2007) suggest that chimpanzees and human ancestors split from a common ancestor as recently as 4 million years ago, and that it took only 400,000 years for humans to become a separate species.
Qty: 1 model
Size: 19.8L x 14.1W x 14.4H (cm)
- A stand is available by enquiry, sold separately