BamHI restriction enzyme recognises G^GATCC sites and cuts best at 37°C in Cut Smart Buffer
- 1 x 10uL BamHI Restriction Enzyme
- 1 x 50uL Cut Smart buffer
- 1 x 100ul 6x loading dye
- In a Sterile 1.5ml Centrifuge tube add for a 50ul reaction
- 42 ul of nuclease free water
- 5ul of CutSmart Buffer
- 2ul of Lambda DNA (ensure 1ug of DNA added, if stock concentration is 500ug/ml this is 0.5ug/ul)
- 1ul of restriction enzyme
- Mix samples thoroughly by pipetting up and down a few times, reaction tube solution should look consistent throughout.
- If you have droplets on the side of your reaction tubes, you’ll need to spin them down in a centrifuge to ensure all the reagents are together at the bottom of the tube.
- Incubate for 5 minutes in 37°C heating block/water bath
- Into your reaction tubes, add 10ul of 6x loading dye, and mix thoroughly by pipetting up and down.
- Load gel lanes (0.8% agarose) with samples (minimum 15uL recommended) and run in your electrophoresis chamber
Storage Conditions:
- Shipped under ambient conditions.
- Freeze upon receipt