Use DNA profiling to decide which shark has - or sharks have - been terrifying Australian holidaymakers.
DNA profiling or fingerprinting is routinely used to identify individuals based on their genetic makeup.
The power of DNA as a tool for identification has been harnessed in a broad range of human applications, from forensic science to paternity testing, as well as in ecology and biodiversity conservation.
As backdrop to this DNA gel electrophoresis investigation, students will help marine biologists understand the source of shark attacks that are frightening Australian beachgoers.
Key info and benefits:
- Techniques: Micropipetting, gel electrophoresis
- Can be completed in a 45 minute class period
- This kit provides enough DNA samples for eight groups (40 students).
- These DNA samples are optimised for blueGel™ electrophoresis systems. For post-staining techniques, more sample may be required per well.
- Suggested skill level: High school to university
- Students are exposed to the fundamental principles of DNA analysis comparing patterns of cleaved DNA by gel electrophoresis.
- Students gain experience in gel electrophoresis, DNA visualisation, DNA fingerprint analysis.
Kit includes:
- 4x DNA samples for fingerprinting analysis (150uL each)
- 1 tube of molecular weight reference marker (DNA Ladder) (150uL)
- 1x concentrated gel loading dye (1mL)
- See notes for extra requirements
- See resources below to download the teacher's guide and student guide for this lab. Contact Southern Biological for answers key.
- This kit provides DNA samples, DNA ladder and gel loading dye only.
- To perform this lab, you will require electrophoresis equipment; such as electrophoresis chamber, agarose, TBE buffer and Midori green gel stain.
- Our electrophoresis starter kit contains the hardware and reagents required.
- For best results, we recommend running your gels in the blueGel electrophoresis chamber.
- If you do not have a blueGel electrophoresis unit with built-in illuminator, we have a transilluminator onto which you can place your gels to visualise your results immediately after the electrophoresis run is complete.
- These DNA samples require frozen storage, which will keep them stable for 12 months.
- They are stable for a couple of weeks at room temperature.