Description Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach 1799), male, modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST® Weight (bw):0.65 kg Click to view more
Products/Anatomy/Anthropology/Bone Clones/Primates/Bone Clones/Anthropology/ Female Chimpanzee Pelvis and Femur MSRP: Was: Now: AU$740.30 ex GST
Products/Anatomy/Anthropology/Bone Clones/Primates/Bone Clones/Anthropology/ Male Chimpanzee Pelvis and Femur MSRP: Was: Now: AU$857.60 ex GST
Products/Anatomy/Spine and Vertebrae Models/Somso/Spine and Verebrae Models/ Somso Vertebral Column with Pelvis